Medieval district and Puerta de Tierra

This walk takes us to visit the neighborhoods of Populo and Santa Maria. They are the oldest neighborhoods in the city, with narrow cobbled streets. From the Tourist Reception Center through New Street to the Plaza de San Juan de Dios, which houses the Town Hall and the Church of San Juan de Dios, belonging to the oldest hospital in the city (Mercy Hospital ), then deep into the neighborhood of populism through the Arc of populism. After a short walk, we crossed another medieval arches reciento closed, the Arco de la Rosa, surprising us with the amazing view of the New Cathedral whose vaults and West Tower can be visited, getting a fantastic view of the city. We recall the Phoenician and Roman times the city, visiting the archaeological site of the Bishop’s House and the Roman Theatre of the oldest and largest capacity in the Iberian Peninsula. Then back into the neighborhood through the Fray Felix Square, home to the Church of Santa Cruz (the S XIII to XVI), primitive cathedral of Cadiz with interesting artwork. Nearby is the Casa del Almirante (S. XVII), reflection of the usual pattern of houses with Indian traders and espectacuar marble cover. Then we visit the Posada del Meson to go through the Arch of the White and reach the Barrio de Santa María, Cádiz birthplace of flamenco. Up the hill from Santa Maria maintains its medieval street layout as other streets in this area, we find the Lasquetty House and Convent of Santa Maria (inside is the Chapel of Jesus Nazareno with an interesting Dutch tiles socket). From there we can go down the street to get to Public Centro Municipal de Arte Flamenco de La Merced and then climb the house hasa Latin America (S. XVIII) first neoclassical building in the capital. We finished the route on the Land Gate, part of the walled complex defense that surrounded the city. Inside are rooms dedicated to Lithographic, which houses an important collection of machinery and lithographic stones Museum.

Mapa de la ruta

Ruta Medieval y Puerta de Tierra

Galería de fotos

San Juan de Dios square

Plaza San Juan de Dios

Arco y capilla del Pópulo

Arco y capilla del Pópulo

Arco de la Rosa

Arco de la Rosa

Catedral Nueva

Catedral Nueva

Casa del Obispo

Casa del Obispo

Teatro Romano

Teatro Romano

Fray Felix square

Plaza de Fray Felix

Catedral Vieja

Catedral Vieja

Museo Catedralicio

Museo Catedralicio

Casa del Almirante

Casa del Almirante

Posada del Mesón

Posada del Mesón

Arco de los Blanco

Arco de los Blanco

Lasquetty’s House

Casa Lasquetty

Convento de Santa María

Convento de Santa María

Cárcel Real

Cárcel Real

Puerta de Tierra

Puerta de Tierra

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